GSL for waste incineration
Top quality castings for waste and biomass firing.
We produce high-quality castings for our customers in the waste incineration sector,
which are used in waste and biomass combustion plants. We are known on the market for our expertise
and our high quality standards. We are committed to continuous development for you –
and work constantly to make our castings even better in line with the latest innovations in casting technology.
Our cast products for grate furnaces, such as grate bars and lining plates,
are mainly manufactured for you using our tried and tested Lost Foam casting process.
They are characterised by particularly precise geometries and the best casting quality.
A special field of our development activities is water-cooled grate bars with unprecedented service lives for use
at the highest heating values. We manufacture these grate bars, machine them completely and, on request, deliver them to our customers in
pre-assembled grate rows.
We also offer grate bar storage within the framework of individual agreements.
The topic of sustainability is close to our heart, which is why we will buy your worn castings on competitive and fair terms on request.
The benefit for you: You will not only lower your costs but also help us to close the materials cycle together.

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam

Heat-resisted cast steel
Lost Foam
Your direct contact
We are always at your service. Simply give us a call.